Memory Mirror-Night

At the end of the book NIGHT, the last scene he finally sees himself in the mirror after years in the concentration camp. Elie Wiesel argues that no one can ever forget the terrible torture experienced at the camp. Looking at his reflection, his suffering shown through his bones, his sadness from his skin, and his weakened strength through his eyes are living proof that the nightmare was a reality. His reflection is a reminder that he survived the great struggle. From what he remembers what he looked like before the camp and life then was just a dream.
The line in the song REFLECTION from the movie MULAN-Why does my reflection show someone I don’t know?-sums up the whole emotion Elie Weisel felt when he looked in the mirror.

-Dark Gray Peacoat


“Men to the left! Women to the right!” 

These words changed Elizer’s life forever. When he heard these words he ended up never seeing his sisters or mother again. This scene really struck me because I don’t know what I would do without my family and to have all that was going on in his life and then losing most of his family, I don’t know if I would be able to deal with that.

-Navy Blue Dress

Our Last

In our English class, we are currently reading  a 115 page masterpiece: Night by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Weisel. His book is about the three years he spent in concentration camps during World War 2. Elie Weisel’s journey encountered many things for the last time; this past year we have encountered many things for last time. Though ours our undoubtedly less severe than his they still have a big impact on us. Here we will show you the journey.

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